Annie Sloan Clear Wax 500ml
Annie Sloan and Soft Clear Wax work fantastically together. We generally wax everything we paint for protection and to give a beautiful mellow matt finish. We find thin coats applied with a brush work best for us, but you can use rags or whatever works best for you. Work the wax into the surface a bit like how you would apply balm to your skin. One question we get asked a lot is ‘How much Wax do I apply after painting?’ The answer is ‘not a lot!’ We put on a thin layer of wax, just about enough so you see a slight colour change, then rub off any excess as well. A simple test if you’re unsure is to run your finger across the surface after waxing – if you can see ‘finger’ marks then that’s too much – continue to wipe some more off. A 500ml tin of Wax goes a very long way.
For a distressed look, sand back to reveal a little of the wood or paint underneath before applying a second coat of wax.