The Little Book of Flirting


Packed with essential advice for everyone from flirting first-timers to anyone looking for some fresh dating inspiration

Whether you choose to treat your flirting talents as a delicate science or simply as a fun way to meet new people, this pocket guide will set you well on your way to charming the socks off anyone you set your sights on.

From chat-up lines and online-dating nopes to first-date ideas and etiquette, these pages will arm you with all the flirting know-how you could ever need, including:

- Tips and tricks to boost your self-confidence before a first date
- How to make a good first impression
- Where to meet like-minded people and how to get noticed
- Non-verbal ways to say "I fancy the pants off you!"
- Charming conversation openers

Delving into the exhilarating world of hook-ups, internet dating and real-life dates, this book is the perfect companion on your journey to becoming a world-class flirt.